Plumbing leak finder products for insurance solutions
AquaTrip can assist Insurance companies to better manage the risks, and reduce the costs associated with property water damage, by minimising the impact of plumbing failures.

Insurers can potentially reduce the risk profile of high risk or high value properties by offering clients discounts or rebates for the fitment of an AquaTrip.
In most cases below - the installation of even a basic low cost AquaTrip leak detection system can reduce the risk to the insurer. The premium offered to the client can be adjusted accordingly. Once installed the system will offer that extra level of protection for many years - further minimising risk profiles going forward and tying the customer to the Insurer through the rebate as a loyalty bonus.
Systems can be easily linked to existing alarm systems for 3rd party monitoring and improved response times in the event of a disaster.
An ounce of prevention costs way less than a pound of cure !
High Value Properties
Prestige or older heritage style buildings and homes present unique extra challenges following a flood event and are often disproportionately expensive to rebuild to the original standard.
AquaTrip Leak Detectors can minimise the damage caused in these special properties. Since AquaTrip can monitor all the plumbing in a building from a single point - it has an enormous advantage over single localised flood sensors - which depend on the leak occuring where the sensor is located.
AquaTrip also offers localised leak sensing Sensors as an option on some systems, while still monitoring total flow.

Older Heritage Buildings
Many older buildings have aging plumbing fixtures which are likely to leak and cause damage over time. Installation of AquaTrip monitoring systems will quickly identify leaks as they occur and can help to minimise damage which may have otherwise gone unnoticed until it was too late.
High Risk Profile
Certain properties may have higher water damage risk profiles than others, due to construction period or method or geographic location, leading to climatic effects on pipes and fittings. These risks can be mitigated by the installation of AquaTrip leak detection systems. The advantage being that the chance of a loss event can be minimised and thus the proportional long term risk assessment can be reduced.

Commercial Risk
Water leaks in offices, data centres, warehouses and any commercial building can cause loss of assets, major disruption of the smooth running of a business and can lead to claims for consequential loss due to business interruption. While the leak may not be preventable, it can at least be detected and the damage potentially minimised as much as possible.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Our commercial leak detection products are designed to give you complete peace of mind, mitigating the risk of flood damage to your assets.