AquaTrip Customer Reviews

Why are Aquatrips not fitted to all homes?
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30 April at 16:02
We were away for nine days and a joint behind our shower failed. Nine days of water flowing from an upstairs shower through the walls and down into the ceiling below. You can imagine the damage, $200000, insurance paid but it was a real inconvenience. We have now fitted Aquatrip and apart from piece of mind when we are away, it also lets us know when grandkids have left taps running or just dripping, whether a toilet cistern has not shut off properly or a hose is left running in the garden. If we move from this house the first thing that we would install in the new property would be an Aquatrip. I think insurance companies should give a reduction on premiums for homes that have Aquatrip fitted. Money can be saved.

Hi just a few words about the aqua trip product.
We had one installed by the building company on our new build.
I will be honest and say what do I want one of them for , leaks don't happen on new builds and it won't happen to me .
Well how wrong I was the fitting below our laundry sink in the garage failed.
By pure chance I noticed it just as the aqua trip kicked in.
That product saved thousands in damages it's a must.
Home owners , building companies, landlords it can save you a lot of money.
Great product and a must have.

Chris Yandle
Pahoia Road, Tauranga
We have had an AquaTrip unit for our house now for about a year, and have been pleasantly surprised at how easy to use and effective it is. For us, the principal reason for installing Aquatrip was for the “peace of mind”, knowing that our house would not be flooded in our absence in case of a leak. However, on several occasions we have found it to be very useful when a tap has been left running (saving significantly on water usage), or for limiting garden hose usage.
Aquatrip is easy to use (resets with a single button press), is flexible (an override is there for special occasions), and easy to maintain. All in all, a worthwhile cost saving investment.
C & L Yandle

Rex K.
Cairns, QLD Australia
I live alone and work as a helicopter pilot in Papua New Guinea, and I work two weeks away and then spend one week at home. I recently returned home from two weeks away to find my AquaTrip had shut off my water supply. Closer inspection revealed that my hot water heater had split and begun to leak quite badly. AquaTrip had detected the leak, turned off the water and saved my house from being flooded. Without AquaTrip the water would have run for up to two weeks. As my hot water system is INSIDE my house, the damage would have been extensive. It saved me from a disaster, and a LOT of money in repairs and water losses.

William C.
Brisbane, QLD Australia
I was initially alarmed at my high water bills, so installed an AquaTrip to make sure that I was not losing any water to leaks. As soon as it was installed it detected a leak, which turned out to be a leaking toilet, this was repaired and a second leak in the shower wall cavity was discovered. This was in turn isolated and repaired. Unbelievably, a third leak was detected, which turned out to be a cracked mains pipe in the garden. AquaTrip has reduced my water bill considerably and without it, I would be still wasting water and money. I also use the AquaTrip real time water consumption display to keep an eye on my consumption. For once, I can actually see how much water I am using and what my water is costing me. I would recommend it to EVERYONE...

Michele S.
Yatala, QLD Australia
I have a large block of land and kept receiving what I felt were unreasonable water bills. My husband heard about AquaTrip, and we decided to have one installed by our local plumber. Sure enough, right after installation, the AquaTrip began picking up a leak somewhere. After a lot of head scratching, and working together with the plumber and a leak detection company, we discovered that quite a bit of the old underground irrigation piping was leaking. We would have never known about these leaks, was it not for the AquaTrip, and would have been paying for all this wastage for who knows how long? Well, the AquaTrip keeps a close finger on our water 'pulse' now, and alerts us from time to time to taps are left dripping and when my hubby leaves the hose on in the pool. This is a highly recommended product!

Toni C.
Upper Coomera, QLD Australia
I was very conscious of my water bills with the rising cost of water, so I decided to fit an AquaTrip to monitor my consumption and protect me from wasting water through unknown leaks. My AquaTrip is connected to my water meter and now I can instantly see how much water I am using and what it has cost me. Plus I have the peace of mind that if I ever have a burst pipe or leak, AquaTrip will be there to save me. I also like the fact that I can easily turn off my water when I leave the house for extended periods. My hubby likes that fact that he can turn the water off directly from the AquaTrip Control Panel when he needs to change a Tap Washer! I seriously think that every single home should have one of these.

Mike M.
Gosford, NSW Australia
My AquaTrip has been a revelation. The real time water consumption and cost data has made me much more water wise. In the past two years, the AquaTrip has detected several different leaks and where taps have been left running or toilets cisterns have stuck open with the water running straight into the bowl, and not filling the cistern. A VERY clever invention. I must say that I would now feel very insecure if I did not have one.

Paulette R.
Gordon, NSW Australia
We recently renovated our home, and having suffered significant damage from a leaking pipe in the wall before the renovation, we decided to install an AquaTrip as a safety measure, after one of our friends fitted one. Well only two months after our renovation, the small flexible hose that feeds the water dispenser in our new fridge blew off, and thanks goodness the AquaTrip was there, It happened over night while we were home but asleep. We woke in the morning to hear the AquaTrip control panel beeping, I checked the Info button and was told that a leak had been detected, I looked around and found a puddle of water around the fridge, without AquaTrip detecting the hose burst it would have flooded the house and all our renovation work would have been ruined. Thanks for a really useful product.

Ray R.
Gold Coast Qld Australia
I had received numerous excess water bills caused by unknown leaks, and decided to install an AquaTrip to alert me to any future leaks or occasions where I could be using excess water unknowingly. Since then it has alerted numerous times when taps have been left running or underground leaks appeared which I would otherwise been unaware of until a huge excess water bill arrived, which is what happened to me several times before. We usually do not even know it is there until it needs to tell us of a plumbing problem - a very useful product.

Marcus P.
Brisbane, Australia
I live on a property with a rain & council trickle fed tank for my water supply.
I have lost count of the number of times that my AquaTrip has detected taps not shut off properly. It has twice saved me when I have topped up my pool and forgot that I left the hose running. A very clever invention.
It has also been useful to get my teenage kids out of the shower, as they know if they are in the shower for too long the AquatTrip will shut off the water!

Dominic C.
Cairns, Australia
I recently built a brand new home adjacent to my business, and before construction a friend told me about AquaTrip. I had my builders install one at the time of building, which added next to nothing to the cost of the building, besides the cost of the AquaTrip.
Well, GUESS WHAT? Immediately after the water supply to the house was commissioned, the AquaTrip started cutting the water. I pointed this out to the builder, and told him there is a problem with the plumbing, and he said 'no-way mate!'. Sure enough, we eventually discovered that one of the brand new toilets was faulty, and had to be replaced. Hooray AquaTrip.
I also had another major save, as I left the garden hose tap on, with the trigger nozzle shut. At some point, the hose popped off, and was it not for the AquaTrip, the water would have run for hours. It paid for itself then and there. NOBODY should be without an AquaTrip.

Alan W.
Grahamstown, South Africa
After several instances of copper pipe theft in our neighbourhood and the resultant wastage of large volumes of water, I decided to install an Aquatrip. Within the first day, the device had revealed two leaking toilet cisterns.
It is reassuring to know that any leaks that may develop will be speedily identified and that while one is away, water loss due to copper pipe theft will be minimized automatically. A great product that everyone should install.